วันอาทิตย์ที่ 10 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

I knew I love you

I Knew I Loved You

Maybe it's intuition
But some things you just don't question.
Like in your eyes, I see my future in an instant
And there it goes,I think I found my best friend
I know that it might sound
More than a little crazy ... But I believe........

* I knew I loved you before
I met you.I think I dreamed you into life.
I knew I loved you before I met you.
I have been waiting all my life.

There's just no rhyme or reason
Only the sense of completion
And in your eyes, I seeThe missing pieces I'm searching for
I think I've found my way home
I know that it might sound
More than a little crazy . . . But I believe

( * )

A thousand angels dance around you.
I am complete now that I've found you.

( * , * )

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This song is about a man who wanted to tell some woman that " He loves her before he met her "

Maybe you knew what I think or feel with you. And maybe you do not understand or have some question, but you must not ask me something. Just like when I see in your eyes, I can see my future at once. I think now, I met my best friend, my space person. I know when you hear this, you would think I crazy. However, this is something that I believe.

I know I love you before I met you. I know you are someone that I have waiting for a long time. I have ever dream that you come into my life. So I’m very sure I love you before I met you. And I would wait for you all my life.

There are on reason or any word to explain it. It’s just only my sense. When I see in your eyes, I can see something that I lost it and I’m searching for. I think now I found my way to back home. So you maybe think I’m crazy, but I do not think so. I really think and believe it.

There are a thousand angles around you. So it made me know I complete my aim. Now I found you.

วันจันทร์ที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

My parent’s opinions

My parent’s opinions

Everyone has their opinions about everything around them. For the parents, they will worry about their child first but it does not mean they don’t worry about another thing.

My parents have 3 daughters, so they just worry about the school where they will send their daughters to study. They want to study in good school, that’s mean I will happy with my school. They don’t like the old lesson of education because they think it makes people to be expert, not a good person. For me, in my old school, I had to do many homeworks and went to sleep late. They always order me to go to bed first. They think I didn’t need to do that and they allowed me absent to school. At that moment I didn’t agree with my parents because I wanted to get good mark so if I didn’t do the word, I would get less mark.
I don’t know do they worry about my school but for my younger sister’s school, they worry about that. My sister will go school that I never study at, so they don’t know what the society of that, what about any children or teacher or the lesson. But after my younger sister came to school, she looks happy and enjoy with her friends. Then my parents have not worried about that.
I just agree with my parent about the society, they think Thai society has many problem about the government , the King and teenagers. They think the teenager have changed.

วันจันทร์ที่ 5 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

How do you feel when you so something special or important?

How do you feel when you so something special or important?

Everyday, I have something to do and it’s my daily routine. But if someday I do it different, for example, I wake up late, I will hurry to do everything and thinkful what will happen with me, I feel fear.
But if I must do something that I have never done before and it’s an important thing, I will feel nervous and fear.

When I was young, I had the important test. It would be my grade for coming in the new school. If I got a few point, it’s harder to come in the new school. So I had to do it very well. In the morning of the test, I was very nervous, fearful and thoughtful. I was worried about it. I tried to read the book again with my friends but it could not make me feel better. My hand was cold. My body and my face was hot. I saw my friends, they looked like me, nervous and afraid. But I had some friends who looked like they didn’t care about this test, they could make everyone feel better by talking about cartoon or game or superstar. I forgot about the test and was happy, but it was not a long time. When the test was coming, I sat at my table and felt very nervous. I felt like I was sick. I will feel like this when I must do something that I have never done before or do something where there are many people watching me. But when I finish the test, I felt very relieved and happy. I cannot remember what I felt when I’m doing the test but my point was not so bad. I was happy about it.

วันอังคารที่ 23 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550



All countries have their culture about the food, the clothes, the administration and the behavior. Something you can do in your country, maybe that is the bad thing in an other country. And we cannot say who is wrong but we can learn about that.

I got the work to interview some foreigners about their country. At first, I interviewed my teachers who come from USA and United Kingdom. My topics are about the government, the election, the flag, the soldier and the newspaper.

About the flag in United Kingdom, people doesn’t raise it up or down everyday like Thailand. They will use it to show their enemy in the war for make their enemy know what their country is. I think, in Thailand, we want to show the flag is important so we raise it up and down everyday. So, maybe people in United Kingdom care about that. It isn't wrong but it oppose my mind because my society cares about that.

In USA, each state has their own newspaper. I think, that is a good idea because every time, there is something happening and people can know it faster if they can get the newspaper fast. But some states, the newspaper doesn’t write about other countries so people cannot know what happens in the world but they aren’t interested about that. So I think, there are good and bad things about that. In Thailand, the newspaper will write everything, everywhere ,but some provinces don’t get that ,because it so far away but people don’t care about that a lot. I don’t know what is better.

This work makes me learn about every country have the different culture. And when you go to that country, you must do like people in that country. I think you can think different but you cannot say they are wrong.

In USA or United Kingdom or Thailand, most people will agree and follow their culture.

วันจันทร์ที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550

What society expects of me.

What society expects of me.

If society will be good or bad depend on the people. The teenagers today will be the people who control the society. So they must get expectation from their parents, their teacher or the old people in the society.

Everyone expects the children will be good people and do the good things to the society. A woman who can make fame for her county or a man who is a leader and bring everyone to the good way. If they have a good leader, their life will be good. And the person who will be a leader is one of the teenagers so they have the expectation of the teenager.

The parents must expect good behaviour from their children. Maybe they will order their children everything, they want their children to get the top of every test or they want their children to be like them. And what about those children? Do they want to do that? I think many children don’t want to do that but they must to do that because their parents want. And they cannot tell their parents, maybe because they don’t want their parents disappointed. For example, the parents want their children to be the doctor but the children like art a lot, so the children must study hard and be unhappy about that.

Now, I’m a teenager and I’m going to be a woman in the society. I don’t know what the society or my parents expect of me. I think, now, they expect me to get the good point from every subject and study in the good university. So I think this is not the big expectation that I cannot do. I think I’m a lucky girl because my parents don’t want me to be something that I don’t want.

วันศุกร์ที่ 21 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

young people

Young people today
In the society now, there are many fashions. For example, the fashion of clothes, superstar and the technology.

In Thailand, the young people always go to Siamsquare. This here is a center of people who are young people or superstar or anyone. There are many department stores, tutorial schools and the shops. If you go there, you will see many people who you cannot know how old they are, walk in the streets or the department stores. Because the dress that they wear, they wear follow the fashion. So some dress makes a girl who is 14 years old, look like 18 years old. Or some dress make a woman who is 35 years old, look like 25 years old. This is a mirage in the society.
Do you like to sing or listen to a song? The song is something that can show what do you feel. And we call the people who sing songs a singer or superstar. But now there are many singers who are very popular because they are handsome or pretty without sweet voice. In Thailand, the singer fragment Korea is very popular. There are many boybands who are very good in dancing, for example, TVXQ, Superjunior and Rain. But I don’t mean every singer has a bad song. I want to tell you that many young people who like to listen to the song, pay attention to what the singer looks like more than their voice.
This is a fashion in society that controls the young people now. Someone think it’s so bad but I think it will be good if the young people don’t worry about it more than something they have to do.


Hi , every one. Welcome to my blog.

I made this blog for my English lesson. So I will write something about the topic that my teacher gives me. And today I will write about myself.

My name is Film. I’m 15 years old now. I live in Bangkok , Thailand. I have 1 older sister and 1 younger sister.

I like to listen to music. It can make me feel good and happy. The music that I like is pop and soft rock. I like to listen Thai song more than international song because I can understand it better. But that’s not the important thing. Some songs have the good music but the words of the song are Korean, so I cannot understand what the song means but I like to listen it. I always listen to the song and read a book or do my work at the same time.

I like to read books too. I don’t like the ghost story or a murder story because they cannot make me enjoy reading. I like to read the cartoon book. My older sister and me will share the money to buy the cartoon book. My home has many cartoon books [around 300 or 400]. But the cartoon book that I read, one story has 10 or 20 books at least. So I have many cartoon books but not much story. I like to read the cartoon book about fantasy and don’t like the love story because it’s so boring.

This is something about myself.