วันจันทร์ที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550

What society expects of me.

What society expects of me.

If society will be good or bad depend on the people. The teenagers today will be the people who control the society. So they must get expectation from their parents, their teacher or the old people in the society.

Everyone expects the children will be good people and do the good things to the society. A woman who can make fame for her county or a man who is a leader and bring everyone to the good way. If they have a good leader, their life will be good. And the person who will be a leader is one of the teenagers so they have the expectation of the teenager.

The parents must expect good behaviour from their children. Maybe they will order their children everything, they want their children to get the top of every test or they want their children to be like them. And what about those children? Do they want to do that? I think many children don’t want to do that but they must to do that because their parents want. And they cannot tell their parents, maybe because they don’t want their parents disappointed. For example, the parents want their children to be the doctor but the children like art a lot, so the children must study hard and be unhappy about that.

Now, I’m a teenager and I’m going to be a woman in the society. I don’t know what the society or my parents expect of me. I think, now, they expect me to get the good point from every subject and study in the good university. So I think this is not the big expectation that I cannot do. I think I’m a lucky girl because my parents don’t want me to be something that I don’t want.

2 ความคิดเห็น:

best_best กล่าวว่า...

“I think many children don’t want to do that but they must to do that because their parents want. And they cannot tell their parents, maybe because they don’t want their parents”. I am like this sentence because now it is a big problem for society. Children do the thing that their don’t want to do but their need to do because their parent order them to do .in the news some children so unhappy their they kill them self because of this problem. But I’m lucky because my parent don’t like that .

EmiChan กล่าวว่า...

I agree with you the teenagers today would be the future of their country. If the teenagers have a lot of ability and good behavior their country would have the good person for make the country to the good way.
I think the parents want their children to be the good person then they order their children. But the children want to have a free for their life to use the life with fun and useful with their way.
Then you are the lucky girl (me to). You have a chance more than some people. We would use our chance for society to be better than now.