วันจันทร์ที่ 5 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

How do you feel when you so something special or important?

How do you feel when you so something special or important?

Everyday, I have something to do and it’s my daily routine. But if someday I do it different, for example, I wake up late, I will hurry to do everything and thinkful what will happen with me, I feel fear.
But if I must do something that I have never done before and it’s an important thing, I will feel nervous and fear.

When I was young, I had the important test. It would be my grade for coming in the new school. If I got a few point, it’s harder to come in the new school. So I had to do it very well. In the morning of the test, I was very nervous, fearful and thoughtful. I was worried about it. I tried to read the book again with my friends but it could not make me feel better. My hand was cold. My body and my face was hot. I saw my friends, they looked like me, nervous and afraid. But I had some friends who looked like they didn’t care about this test, they could make everyone feel better by talking about cartoon or game or superstar. I forgot about the test and was happy, but it was not a long time. When the test was coming, I sat at my table and felt very nervous. I felt like I was sick. I will feel like this when I must do something that I have never done before or do something where there are many people watching me. But when I finish the test, I felt very relieved and happy. I cannot remember what I felt when I’m doing the test but my point was not so bad. I was happy about it.

2 ความคิดเห็น:

Anna กล่าวว่า...

I like your blog because you told me that when was the most important in your life and what do you feel, at last told me about how and who make you feel better. I like that a simple thing such as wake up late you, it can be a special thing in your life. I know that when you feel relax and someone make you relax you will feel better. I think your life is going to be colorful because you can think a simple thing is special and you feel with it so your life is not going to be bored.

oak_thai กล่าวว่า...

I think you have a good explain because in your blog you can explain your feel very cleanly when I read your explain I feel like I stay in your test and feel like you. I think I feel like you when I do something important and when I can finish I think I must feel very good and I don’t want to feel like that again because I don’t like to feel excited but sometime I think feel excited is good because it can make you consciousness and If you do that again, it will experience.